Stirling E | v | Badgers Brook C | ||
Tom Nimmo Mick Murphy Stewart Cairns Rudra Pardhi Advait Harikumer |
1084 1125 738 |
1 - 0 1 - 0 0 - 1 ½ - ½ 0 - 1 |
1425 1256 1164 999 |
Mark Brown Gordon Walker William Mundie David Lawrence Peter Woollven |
2½ - 2½ |
Thanks to Rudra for the game below - a fantastic result on his league debut.
[Event "Stirling E v Badgers Brook C"]
[Site "Stirling CC"]
[Date "2024.11.11"]
[Round ""]
[White "Lawrence, D"]
[Black "Pardhi, R"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
[ECO "A48"]
[Opening "Neo-King's Indian"]
[Variation "East Indian Defence, 2..g6 3.e3 Bg7"]
1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. e3 Bg7 4. Bd3 d5 5. b3 Nc6 6. a3 a5 7. Nbd2 O-O 8.
Bb2 Re8 9. O-O Bg4 10. Be2 Bxf3 11. Nxf3 e6 12. c4 Ne7 13. Ne5 Nd7 14. f4
Nxe5 15. fxe5 dxc4 16. bxc4 a4 17. Bf3 h6 18. Qc2 Rf8 19. e4 f6 20. exf6
Bxf6 21. Rad1 c6 22. Rd3 Kh7 23. Bg4 Qd7 24. Qd2 Bg5 25. Qe2 Rxf1+ 26. Qxf1
h5 27. Qf7+ Kh6 28. d5 Rg8 29. Bxe6 Qd8 30. Qf2 Rf8 31. Qd4 Bf6 32. Qe3+
Bg5 33. Qd4 Bf6 34. Qe3+ Bg5
Draw by repetition. Stockfish recommends 34 Qc5 instead, and when the black bishop is on f6, e5 seems to
keep White going.
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