Tuesday, 17 December 2024

16-12-24 Keddie Cup

The annual Christmas handicap tournament, the Keddie Cup, was a well-attended event, with 26 competitors initially split across 5 groups. From Group A, Victor and Dave qualified. From Group B, Kenny qualified with Elsa just missing out. From Group C, Gordon and I qualified. From Group D, Kai qualified with Toby just missing out, and from Group E Rudra and Sean qualified.

Victor Liu 0-1 Rudra Pardhi
Kenny MacPherson 1-0 Dave Hewitt
Gordon Allcock 1-0 Sean Flanagan
Kai Austin 1-0 Graham Anderson

Semi-final 1 - Kenny (left) starts a rook and c pawn down against Kai.

Semi-final 2 - Gordon (left) starts a rook down against Rudra.

Kenny MacPherson 0-1 Kai Austin
Rudra Pardhi 1-0 Gordon Allcock

And so to the Rudra - Kai final. With very similar gradings, Kai started off with 9 minutes and Black to Rudra's 10 minutes.

The crowd watch on in interest...

Thanks to Isaac and Dave for a Keddie Cup first - someone recorded a game!

[Event "Keddie Cup"] [Site "Stirling CC"] [Date "2024.12.16"] [Round "F"] [White "Pardhi, R"] [Black "Austin, K"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E90"] [Opening "King's Indian"] [Variation "Zinnowitz Variation"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 Bg7 4. e4 d6 5. Bg5 O-O 6. Nf3 Bg4 7. h3 Bd7 8. Be2 c5 9. d5 Qa5 10. Qb3 Bc8 11. O-O Nbd7 12. Qa4 Qxa4 13. Nxa4 Re8 14. Rfe1 Nxe4 15. Bd3 Nxg5 16. Nxg5 Ne5 17. Rad1 h6 18. Ne4 Bd7 19. Nac3 f5 20. Ng3 Ba4 21. Nxa4 f4 22. Nf1 Rab8 23. g3 Nf3+ 24. Kg2 Nxe1+ 25. Rxe1 Bf6 26. Bxg6 Rf8 27. gxf4 b5 28. cxb5 Rxb5 29. Nc3 Rxb2 30. Ne4 Kg7 31. Nxf6 Rxf6 32. Bb1 Kf7 33. a4 Rxf4 34. Kg3 Rxa4 35. Nh2 Rb3+ 36. Kg2 Rd4 37. Bc2 Rc3 38. Be4 e6 39. dxe6+ Kxe6 40. Nf3 Ra4 41. Bc2+ Kd5 42. Bxa4 Ra3 43. Bd7 c4 44. Rd1+ Kc5 45. Bf5 Kb4 46. Rb1+ Kc3 47. Rc1+ Kb4 48. Be6 c3 49. Ne1 a5 50. Nc2+ Ka4 51. Nxa3 Kxa3 52. Rxc3+ Ka4 53. Bb3+ Kb4 54. Rd3 Kc5 55. Kf1 d5 56. Rxd5+ Kb4 57. Ke1 Kxb3 58. Rxa5 Kb4 59. Rh5 Kc4 60. Rxh6 {Black resigns.} 1-0

Rudra receives the trophy from club president Gordon. Well done Rudra!

Thursday, 12 December 2024

09-12-24 Stirling B v Stirling A

Stirling B   v   Stirling A
Nathanel Loch

Kenny MacPherson

Bill Cook

Harry Feather

Ross Warcup




0 - 1

0 - 1

1 - 0

0 - 1

0 - 1




Isaac Browning

William Spiers

Oliver Twentyman

Richard Warcup

Steve Smith
1 - 4

Tuesday, 26 November 2024

25-11-24 Stirling C v Stirling D

Stirling C   v   Stirling D
Richard Warcup

Kenny MacPherson

Harry Feather

Sandy Carmichael

Tom Wallace




0 - 1

1 - 0

½ - ½

½ - ½

½ - ½




Dave Hewitt

Toby Geyer

Felix Borzik

Mick Bloor

Cameron Anderson
2½ - 2½

Thanks to Dave for providing the game below, where on board 1 Dave had White against Richard.

Thursday, 21 November 2024

18-11-24 Robert Togneri Trophy

Time control: 10 minutes + 5 second increment each for all moves

  Name Grade Rd 1 Rd 2 Rd 3 Rd 4 Rd 5 Place
1 Shubham Lakudkar 2125 1 W 12 2 B 24 3 W 4 4 B 2 5 B 11 1
2 William Spiers 1768 1 B 13 2 W 7 3 B 21 3 W 1 4 B 9 =2
3 Kenny MacPherson 1631 1 W 14 1 B 8 1 W 11 2 B 22 2 W 10 =13
4 Brad Duthie 1584 1 B 15 2 W 9 2 B 1 3 W 21 B 5 =4
5 Bill Cook 1578 1 W 16 B 11 W 8 B 15 3 W 4 =6
6 Steve Smith 1562 ½ B 17 ½ W 21 ½ B 15 W 18 B 13 =18
7 Harley Lang 1521 1 W 18 1 B 2 2 W 12 3 B 10 4 W 8 =2
8 Richard Warcup 1501 1 B 19 2 W 3 3 B 5 3 W 11 3 B 7 =6
9 Nathanael Loch 1503 1 W 20 1 B 4 2 W 23 3 B 24 3 W 2 =6
10 Douglas Heatlie 1489 0 B 21 1 W 17 2 B 22 2 W 7 3 B 3 =6
11 Tom Nimmo 1393 1 W 22 W 5 B 3 B 8 W 1 =4
12 Dave Hewitt 1363 0 B 1 1 W 19 1 B 7 2 W 17 3 B 21 =6
13 Scott Keenan 1204 0 W 2 1 B 18 1 W 24 2 B 23 3 W 6 =6
14 Mick Murphy 1125 0 B 3 0 W 23 ½ B 18 W 19 B 17 =18
15 Mick Bloor 1095 0 W 4 ½ B 20 W 6 W 5 2 B 16 =13
16 Glen Wilson 1028 0 B 5 0 W 22 0 B 19 1 W 20 W 15 =18
17 Kai Austin 719 ½ W 6 ½ B 10 W 20 B 12 W 14 12
18 Jonathan Pont 713 0 B 7 0 W 13 ½ W 14 ½ B 6 ½ B 20 24
19 Rudra Pardhi 644 0 W 8 0 B 12 1 W 16 1 B 14 1 B 23 =22
20 Elsa Liu 281 0 B 9 ½ W 15 ½ B 17 ½ B 16 11½ W 18 =18
21 Felix Borzik u/g 1 W 10 2 B 6 2 W 2 2 B 4 2 W 12 =13
22 Jia-Xi Chen u/g 0 B 11 1 B 16 1 W 10 1 W 3 1 - =22
23 Victor Liu 502 0 W 24 1 B 14 1 B 9 1 W 13 2 W 19 =13
24 Graham Anderson 1569 1 B 23 1 W 1 2 B 13 2 W 9 2 - =13

Congratulations to Shubham, winning with 5/5 for the third time!

Shubham receives the trophy from previous winner Bill.

Wednesday, 20 November 2024

11-11-24 Stirling E v Badgers Brook C

Stirling E   v   Badgers Brook C
Tom Nimmo

Mick Murphy

Stewart Cairns

Rudra Pardhi

Advait Harikumer




1 - 0

1 - 0

0 - 1

½ - ½

0 - 1




Mark Brown

Gordon Walker

William Mundie

David Lawrence

Peter Woollven
2½ - 2½

Thanks to Rudra for the game below - a fantastic result on his league debut.

[Event "Stirling E v Badgers Brook C"] [Site "Stirling CC"] [Date "2024.11.11"] [Round ""] [White "Lawrence, D"] [Black "Pardhi, R"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A48"] [Opening "Neo-King's Indian"] [Variation "East Indian Defence, 2..g6 3.e3 Bg7"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. Nf3 g6 3. e3 Bg7 4. Bd3 d5 5. b3 Nc6 6. a3 a5 7. Nbd2 O-O 8. Bb2 Re8 9. O-O Bg4 10. Be2 Bxf3 11. Nxf3 e6 12. c4 Ne7 13. Ne5 Nd7 14. f4 Nxe5 15. fxe5 dxc4 16. bxc4 a4 17. Bf3 h6 18. Qc2 Rf8 19. e4 f6 20. exf6 Bxf6 21. Rad1 c6 22. Rd3 Kh7 23. Bg4 Qd7 24. Qd2 Bg5 25. Qe2 Rxf1+ 26. Qxf1 h5 27. Qf7+ Kh6 28. d5 Rg8 29. Bxe6 Qd8 30. Qf2 Rf8 31. Qd4 Bf6 32. Qe3+ Bg5 33. Qd4 Bf6 34. Qe3+ Bg5 { Draw by repetition. Stockfish recommends 34 Qc5 instead, and when the black bishop is on f6, e5 seems to keep White going. } 1/2-1/2


A couple of games to post...thanks to Bill for the first one, from the SNCL where he had White against Shriya Madhu from the Edinburgh West 3 team. Bill writes: She was in a bind for a while but difficult to see a way through until I spotted the sacrifice on move 23. 24...Nh5  was the best defence and it took me a minute or two to see that swapping queens was the answer followed by Re8+ and Bf6+.

[Event "SNCL v Ed West 3"] [Site "?"] [Date "2024.10.27"] [Round "?"] [White "Bill Cook"] [Black "Shriya Madhu"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B04"] [WhiteElo "1470"] [BlackElo "1436"] [PlyCount "71"] 1. e4 Nf6 2. e5 Nd5 3. d4 d6 4. c4 Nb6 5. Nf3 Nc6 6. exd6 cxd6 7. Be2 Bf5 8. Be3 d5 9. c5 Nd7 10. a3 g6 11. O-O Bg7 12. Qd2 O-O 13. Nc3 Nf6 14. Rad1 Bg4 15. h3 Bxf3 16. Bxf3 e6 17. Rfe1 Re8 18. Nb5 Re7 19. Bg5 a6 20. Nd6 Rc7 21. Qf4 Rd7 22. Bg4 Kh8 23. Bxe6 fxe6 24. Rxe6 Nh5 25. Bxd8 Nxf4 26. Re8+ Bf8 27. Bf6+ Kg8 28. Rxa8 Ne6 29. Be5 Nc7 30. Rc8 Ne7 31. Rb8 Ne6 32. Rxb7 Rxb7 33. Nxb7 Nc6 34. Nd6 Nxc5 35. dxc5 Nxe5 36. Rxd5 1-0

This second game was played between Toby and Kenny in the Lindsay Cup. The Queens are exchanged early on, only to both make a re-appearance later in the game.

[Event "Lindsay Cup"] [Site "Stirling CC"] [Date "2024.11.11"] [Round "-"] [White "MacPherson, K"] [Black "Geyer, T"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 d5 3. Nc3 c6 4. Bg5 Bf5 5. e3 e6 6. c5 Be7 7. Nf3 b6 8. b4 a5 9. a3 bxc5 10. bxc5 Nbd7 11. Be2 Ne4 12. Bxe7 Nxc3 13. Bxd8 Nxd1 14. Kxd1 Kxd8 15. Nh4 Kc7 16. Nxf5 exf5 17. Bd3 g6 18. Rb1 Nf6 19. Ke2 Rhb8 20. Rxb8 Rxb8 21. Rb1 Rxb1 22. Bxb1 Ne4 23. Bxe4 fxe4 24. a4 Kd7 25. f3 Ke6 26. fxe4 dxe4 27. Kf2 h5 28. Kg3 g5 29. h4 gxh4+ 30. Kxh4 f5 31. Kg5 h4 32. Kxh4 f4 33. exf4 Kd5 34. f5 Kxd4 35. f6 e3 36. Kg3 Kd3 37. f7 e2 38. f8=Q e1=Q+ 39. Kh3 Qh1+ 40. Kg3 Qe1+ 41. Qf2 Qe5+ 42. Kh3 Qh5+ 43. Kg3 Qg5+ 44. Kh2 Qh5+ 45. Kg1 Qd1+ 46. Kh2 Qxa4 47. Qf5+ Kc3 48. g4 Qd4 49. g5 a4 50. g6 a3 51. Qf3+ Kb4 52. Qxc6 Qxc5 { Stockfish offers, as +52 for Black: 53 ... Qf4+ 54 Kg2 a2 55 Qb7+ Kc3 56 Qg7+ Kd3 57 Qa1 Qg4+ 58 Kh2 Qh5+ 59 Kg2 Qxg6+ 60 Kh2 Qh7+ 61 Kg3 Qg8+ 62 Kh4 Qc4+ 63 Kh5 Qxc5+ 64 Kg6 Qb6+ 65 Kf7 Qb3+ 66 Ke7 Qb1 67 Qh8 Qb7+ 68 Ke6 Qb6+ 69 Kd5 Qb5+ 70 Ke6 Qc6+ 71 Kf7 Qf3+ 72 Kg6 Qg2+ 73 Kf5 Qf2+ 74 Ke6 Qe3+ 75 Kf5 Qc5+ 76 Kg6 Qg1+ 77 Kf7 } 53. Qb7+ Qb5 54. Qf7 a2 { Draw agreed. According to Stockfish, on 55 g7 White loses after Qe5+ or Qe2+. White holds the draw with 55 Qxa2. } 1/2-1/2

Sunday, 10 November 2024

09-11-2024 GM Jacob Aagard Simultaneous

The fledgling Clacks County chess club hosted a simultaneous display with GM Jacob Aagard. Thanks to John Blake and Dave Hewitt for providing one of the games below, where John had Black. I don't know if there were any other performances as good as John's, but if there were please pass them on.